Saturday, April 21, 2018

Gorsuch Opinion in Deportation Case Raises Doubts for Gun Owners

That Gorsuch is weak-kneed on “immigration” abuses raises serious questions of direct concern to gun owners (the fraudulent “single issue” excuse-making notwithstanding). [More]
It's not always easy for people with set beliefs to hear the truth, as some of the comments and arguments under my latest AmmoLand article pretty much confirm. I wish I had more time to engage with those, but I don't, so I have to accept that not everyone will get what I'm saying and why, and not worry about  it. Besides, if I wanted to be "popular" I'd be writing about the Kardashians.

1 comment:

Mack said...


I already posted a comment at AL agreeing with Justice Gorsuch and explaining why. Whether that comment shows up or not remains to be seen. I alos agree with the President that it is the responsibility of Congress to fix this.

The CLEAN solution is to edit (amend) the INA and delete the fuzzy adjective "aggravated" -- make any alien, convicted of a felony, deportable. Period.

Now, having said that, I wondered how long it would take for Progressives and some willing judicial activist to exploit this SCOTUS opinion.

Not long:
