Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Sound and Fury, Signifying Nothing

“I support the second amendment right to bear arms, but ... " [More]
Well, I've heard all I need to. No point in wasting any more time on this for any of us.

As for further "dialogue," the antis have made it more than clear they mean it to be a monologue. I don't know if the Republican is trying to appear "reasonable" or if he actually believes more gabbing with gungrabbers will do anything other than give them more amplification for their lies.

[Via Rough and Ready]


Mack said...

Ah yes, the classic "but" qualifier.


The Infamous Oregon Lawhobbit said...

There's a way to do a but-head comment on the 2A and get you nodding in agreement...

"I support the Second Amendment, but...."

"...the right to keep and bear arms is in no way dependent on that Amendment, it's a natural human right."

See? :)

Otto Didact said...

A "but" immediately after a declaration inverts the message.