Tuesday, May 16, 2017

One More to Consider

One of the second-tier candidates I mentioned (but did not profile) in my latest Oath Keepers piece inspired a Facebook PM from WarOnGuns Correspondent Greg K:
Heads up....This is from a former federal prosecutor...Henry Hudson is one of the people being interviewed for FBI director. He was director of the US Marshals Service during Ruby Ridge. He is not respected by most marshals, and many blame him for the fiasco at Ruby Ridge. There are other issues with him also, and I hope that the FBI doesn't get saddled with him. Waco involvement too
Looks about right.


Crotalus said...

So how do we tell Trump that we don't want him?

JohninMd (Help!?!!) said...

Somebody button-hole Wayne to clue the Trumpster? After we clue Wayne, of course....

Ned said...

More swamp water.