Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Unclear on the Concept

Parents Television Council Says The Walking Dead Crossed The Line [More]
I don't suppose parents parenting is an option...?

By the way, don't click the link if you don't want spoilers. I'm not happy that I did.


FedUp said...

"It's wrong that cable subscribers are forced to pay for cable TV shows like this one!!!"

---Why don't you cut the cable service, and, I don't know, maybe do something with your kids instead of watching TV-MA trash if it bothers you that much?

Henry said...

So the message we take away from all this is that murder on TV is OK, as long as it is “sanitized.’

We had this discussion back in the Twin Peaks days, about Maddy’s death scene. Violent and graphic. The Grundys clutched every pearl in Tiffany’s. My opinion was that the more people realize how gruesome battery and death really is, the less battery and death we might see perpetrated in real life.

Jerry The Geek said...

I cut my cable service ten years ago, and haven't regretted it a single moment. There was nothing but trash then, and there's little better now. A couple of TV shows I became acquainted with online, and I've bought their DVD packages for when I become really bored. Think of it .. a year of shows I LIKE for the cost of two weeks of crap that I use to wade through muttering "nothing there nothing there nothing there ...."

Last month I visited my daughter; with her family we watched some TV. Still nothing there. But when she decided to look at the NCIS Season 12 I said "HEY, I just bought that DVD set ... watch something else!"