Tuesday, September 06, 2016

It Depends on What the Meaning of the Term 'Conservative Republican' Is

Mr. Toomey, a conservative Republican in a tough re-election fight in Pennsylvania, has been rewarded with support from unlikely sources: former Representative Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona, a Democrat who was shot in the head in a 2011 assassination attempt and started a political action committee focused on gun control, and Michael R. Bloomberg, a former mayor of New York, who is behind another gun control PAC. [More]
Well gosh, if a trusted source for unbiased reporting like "the newspaper of record" calls a gun-grabber "conservative," who am I to argue?


Mack said...

Well David, Henry Hyde was a conservative republican, author of the famous (infamous?) 'Hyde Amendment' -- less well known perhaps, he favored 'sensible' gun control, remember?

* http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2005-05-25/news/0505250008_1_gun-show-provision-gun-control-semiautomatic-assault-weapons

"People have a right to own weapons, but not weapons of mass destruction and mayhem whose only purpose is to kill a lot of people in a hurry," Hyde said at the time.

David Codrea said...

That's the son of a bitch who said declaring war was anachronistic in addition to infringing on 2A and having multiple mistresses. That's no conservative.